I'm in a hotel this morning. Rather than my home setup of three computers and six screens, I'm doing everything on my one laptop without any external monitors. And I'm not sure just how good the internet is here.

The beautiful thing about Trade Unafraid, though, is that the actual trading happens from your server, not from your local machine, so spotty internet is not even an issue, as long as you can set up your Trade Plans.

This morning, I set up six Trade Plans, the one-and-done, Mark1, and MarkV on both BA and TSLA.  I don't have any charts, and I'm trying to work my job, so I set these up and let them play out.

The two one-and-done's both triggered and ran at the same time.  Entry and exit times are shown in the table below.

The Mark1 on BA rejected because it moved too fast, so it would have ended up chasing, which is something you can avoid with a configuration.

I did manually trade a break of a one-minute candle that Mark called out. (Again, no charts, just following his audio. :smiley: )

While I was posting that, my MarkV triggered on BA. I probably need to tweak my sizes and option prices, so that I don't trade quantity 1.

The TSLA MarkV triggered. Didn't do much. (BTW, all of this was set up before 9:30, and I was completely hands off other than watching it all happen.)

$263 and 6 for 6. Not a bad day, especially when you consider the trading conditions.
